Chris's Blog: Today

Thursday, January 11, 2007


days I look back and reflect on all the things I have done in my life and I must isn't much...but lucky for me I still have plenty of time to make up for that. Let's look at a few of those goals I have set since I was a kid and evaluate which ones I have and haven't achieved:

- To have a mustache and own a video arcade - This was something I wanted when I was about 10. Do I have the mustache, no, do I have the arcade, no, but I do have a PS2 and a beard so I was close on this one.
- To retire when I was 30. NOT EVEN CLOSE...I am now giving myself till 40...
- To grow long flowing locks of hair much like the white golden haired Jesus. Nope a thing called heredity happened...
- To play for a successful rock band that tours the world and makes tons of money. I kind of missed this one, I am in a rock band and we do tour Texas. I guess I will give myself partial credit on this one. Plus I do work for a nationally syndicated radio station and they have played many of my masterpieces like "The Weekly Review" and "I Want to F#$@ All Night"...
- To find my soul mate. CHECK, hey 1 out of 4 ain't bad so far...

Let me just stop right there I think I am depressing myself and I think that your B-Day is supposed to be a happy day...


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