Chris's Blog: WHAT???

Friday, December 22, 2006


Ok where the hell did Colin come up with his Brokeback Mountain theory between Keith and I? How did a golf game turn into a torid love affair? My theory is that Colin has always had a thing fo me, yep that is right. Maybe it was all the drumsticks he tried poking me in the ass with? Maybe it was all the late night "hey Chris you want to snuggle" comments in the van.

That is right Colin I think it is jealousy. And now that I think about it, it might not be a love for me, but for Keith. That is why you always call him "my" bass player. The only other person I call my is "my" wife. HHMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm Colin is there something you want to say to the world, start off the new year fresh...

Keith you suck I rule...WOW now that sentence just took on a WHOLE new meaning...


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