Chris's Blog: 2 new songs up on myspace

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2 new songs up on myspace

We have 2 new songs for you to wrap your earlobes around, High and You Know You Want Me. Go ahead and try and guess what High is about...if you guessed floating through golden streets in a Jesus Christ pose you are wrong, but if you guessed it is about getting high you are right. It is an adventure song between 2 friends looking to expand their minds, stomachs and penises...I will stop there.

You Know You Want Me is a song I wrote about being so dang good looking...Ok go ahead and laugh that one out. It is really about your typical guy thinking that every woman is in love with him and if she isn't she is a lesbian...Oz wrote the lyrics to this one and I must say it has a solid rock backbone.

You can even see a picture of the new COLOR CD cover. We finally decided to break down and pay for color CD's because we feel our fans are totally worth it! That and the great deal we get if we buy them in bulk, but don't let that take anything away from being a great fan.

Check it all out on our myspace page



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog ! This is my first time reading it.So i had to comment. Keep up the good work.Oh and as a fellow myspacer, check out

7:38 PM  

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