Chris's Blog: Random Things

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Random Things

First thing is the CD is now in the hands of a mastering engineer. We should have a final mastered copy by next week. And within the next week or 2 we will go into mass production of the CD. We are going to print up 1,000 CD's. The last batch we went through over 1,200 in 7 months of "I think we're evolving." And we think we can go through a 1,000 of the new one even quicker.

Second thing is Run Run our van is almost leak free again. We discovered 2 leaks this past weekend and the transmission was slipping REALLY bad. I had to start it in 2nd gear then slide it into drive to get home from Wichita Falls. We found the leak and fixed it and also added some leak stopper to our radiator to stop the water leak (I think that will work, but we will find out soon enough).

Thirds but not last another great Dallas band is throwing in the towel. South FM is announcing their last show this Saturday the 28th at the Curtain Club. If you do not have plans, plan on being there. We have known these guys ever since we have been on the scene and Paco has always been very kewl to us and everyone else. Paco, the singer, did say he was going to carry on, but this will be the last time to see the full band. Damn, music is such a beautiful bitch, it makes you feel love as its ripping your heart out...


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