Chris's Blog: Can you try and stay in key?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Can you try and stay in key?

When we first started this band 6 years ago WE SUCKED and too be honest we aren't a whole lot better we are just a hell of a whole lot smarter. Back in the beginning we didn't care too much about tuning our guitars or singing in the right key, we just played because ROCK N ROLL wasn't about being professional it was about "feelings man." What a LOAD OF SHIT! Seriously we are all raised on this MTV fantasy of being the next kid who changes the face of the earth with his music and we are so WRONG.

Music really is an art and in any art it is best to learn your tools and learn what past artists have done. Then you mold these things you learn into your own interpretation of art. Then if enough people understand you then maybe you live a life of fame and fortune (1 in a million chance, but you're telling me there's a chance). You must learn though. It almost kills me know to hear a band who sucks and I used to be one of those guys who would never say another band sucked, but there are bands that suck. I mean they can't play in time, can't sing in key and don't understand the basics of building a song and for some reason they think they sound good? HELLO? Are you not hearing what everyone else is hearing? I am totally down for everyone being able to express themselves and song is a great way to do it, just PLEASE take some time and learn your art.

Ok for all those musicians who read this who disagree, chances are you are the ones I am talking about...

(see I really am an asshole, just read Oz's blog)


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