Its all about the people

One of the kewlest things about being in a rock band is getting to meet all kinds of different people. Think about it in one regular day the average person talks to about 5 people, but we get to talk with 20 to 40 different people every night we play (I know we usually have 100's of people out to watch us, but you just can't talk to everyone).
This guys nickname is "Wheel's", and he came up on stage in Tyler to sing "Asshole" with Oz and I. If you haven't heard the song it is a Dennis Leary song about assholes. And it has a line in there that says "I park in hadicap spaces while people make handicap faces." Well Wheel's, being one kewl dude, made a handicap face during that line then flipped off Oz (he was singing it). I mean how kewl is that? This dude doesn't let crap get to him, he is who he is and he is alright with that.
Like I said, we get to meet a lot of kewl people...oh and our shar of assholes too, but that is a different blog...
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