Chris's Blog: WOW

Friday, October 06, 2006


I guess I pissed of Mr. Westyheimer by removing his blog:

"Oh, I see how it is. Your Royal Lord High-and-Mighty (Yet Still Bald as a Baby's Ass) Chris has decided what the fans of the greatest band in the world (that be monkeyshyne) has wanted. What the hell? I wouldn't take that crap...and I'm pissed you deleted my blog. Gone forever are "Touchdown Jesus" and "Operation Monkeyshyne", among others. Who the hell said you could delete my blog? And by doing so, deprive my adoring female friends their weekly dose of yours truly? Assclown. You and me are gonna have words. Answer your phone, pansy."


Well sir I am not High-n-Mighty I just got tired of NO BLOGS...I mean the purpose of a blog is to write your thoughts and write them often. And I have been dissappointed because lately there hasn't been anything to read and I know if I am dissappointed I know other people out there are dissappointed too. Funny I guess it's true, don't know what you got till its gone...

Oh and Keith I guess it isn't too big a deal, I haven't heard anything from Colin or Oz?


Blogger Keith said...

So what does Big Fluffy and The Oz's blogs have to do with me, bizzotch??? And I also can't help if you don't bother to click on my blog link to actually see that I was wrinting them, your Low-ness. Lessee I had 48 posts in about 7 months, hey that's 7 a month, in case you were wondering...oh, and that's all fingers on one hand and two on the other, in case you needed help. smartypants.

Mark RayRay Jones disapproves of your actions. He said he and Batman were on my side.

6:47 PM  

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