Chris's Blog: Wow Keith...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wow Keith...

I feel a little bit of embarrassment on your part. I know that you have beaten me in the past, but let’s not live in the past. I personally like to live in the future and the future is called A.C. (After Chris Kicked Keith’s ASS).

Keith here are some pointers for you when playing golf with me in the future and please remember these points are totally meant from a friend to a friend.

1) I know that you like to complain a lot about the “sun being in your eyes.” I suggest you wear some sunglasses. Funny though this last time we played the sun wasn’t even out…

2) Practice makes perfect, unless you are perfect. See I am about as perfect as perfect can be, so naturally anything I do is perfect and you… well you need to practice.

3) I would suggest getting yourself a little putting game. Something fun like this

4) Remember that stick we used to talk about? Although it has been removed I think sometimes you still stand like it’s there, especially when you are looking for your wooden T’s.

5) Last but not least play with yourself more…

I hope these help Keith. You have a couple of weeks before we will be able to play again which should give you plenty of time to get started on these. And of course if you would like me to give you some lessons I could break you a deal, $50 an hour… just for you buddy.


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