Chris's Blog: My Amazing Loss at a Speech Contest

Monday, March 27, 2006

My Amazing Loss at a Speech Contest

Yep this past weekend on Saturday I entered in a speech contest for a speech club called Toastmasters International. They only awared the top 2 and no I did not place in either position. But that is strangely ok with me. Funny when I tell people I am part of a speech club they don't believe me and I guess I really don't look like a "club" kind of guy. Well I am into self improvement and challenges, so it really didn't matter to me whether I won or lost, just that I entered and did it. Now this isn't to say that the next one that comes around I won't kick in the a$$.

It is funny I hate being nervous, but I love the energy it gives me. There used to be a time when I got on stage and I would get "that" feeling, but not anymore. People ask "Do you get nervous?" and to be honest I couldn't tell you the last time I was. Giving a speech is like getting on stage, but the challenge is not having a guitar or music as a crutch, it is just you and the audience and that gets my juices flowing.

That adrenaline also has attracted me to radio. I get totally pumped when I get on the mic, it is truely like a drug. But I guess I would rather be hooked on this than crack, I think...


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