Chris's Blog: Oz has been feeling bad

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oz has been feeling bad

I am sorry for all those who have noticed that Oscar has not been updating his blog. He apparently broke his pointing finger in a thumb war with Colin last week. Luckily he was ok during the show and was able to at least look like he was playing the guitar.

My blog today is actually going to be Oscar's blog of what he did this weekend, by my best translation:

(Remember this is Oz's blog, so I will speak in 1st person)
Friday - Today I got up, jogged about 5 miles before the sun rose, I then sat at my nook and at pastries and sipped hot tea until 7pm. I finally jumped in the shower only to realize that it wasn't a shower I was jumping in to but a TIME TRAVEL MACHINE. When I turned the knob it sent me back to 1913, when the American Revolution was just getting its freedom from Africa. Smartly enough I invested 10 cents into the Stock Market on a little company called "apples" (later to become Apple), then I jumped back in my time machine to Saturday current and played a ROCK SHOW. After that I was bored so I swam with the turtles on Sunday. Did I mention that I like lamp?

Oz Over and Out

Ok so maybe I added several things to his day and over exagerated a point or two but you get the just...


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