Chris's Blog: Why do bands NEED bass players?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Why do bands NEED bass players?

We proved that they are not NEEDED, but I sure do like having a bass player around. It is amazing how much that little bit of low end adds. Looks like Keith may be joining back up with the monkeyshyne tribe, he says he missed us. I just think he missed the midnight hugging sessions with Colin (don't worry from what I hear they wear their underwear and it isn't gay). Plus I get to pick up my electric guitar, and that makes me happy. For this CD release coming up March 4th, we will be rocking out, old school, monkeyshyne style. Don't be afraid if you walk in the door and you hear a little bit of crunch, trust me you WILL like it. Hopefully the weather will be nice, we have tons of stuff to give away, and we have a SHOW planned. Not just us getting up and playing songs, thats boring, I mean a SHOW. And there are rumors floating around that Oz is going to get necked (read his blog)...


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