Chris's Blog: Our very first Heckler

Monday, February 06, 2006

Our very first Heckler

This past friday at our show in Temple, we had our first official heckler in the audience. Over 5+ years and we have never had anyone yell out "YOU SUCK" to our faces. I am sure many people have said it behind our backs but not while we were on stage. This guy wasn't all bad because after he yelled you suck he said "But your DRUMMER RULES". So at least Colin had earned his respect. After hearing him yell that several times I decided that I needed to dedicate a song to this guy and showcase Colin's skills a little more so we played the acoustic version of "Ever Rose has its Thorn" by Poison. There is a killer drum part after the solo where Colin plays the wood block for a couple of measures. After we finished up that set I was a little beat down to be honest, either I was going to chew bubble gum or kick ass and I was out of bubble gum...ok there was no ass kicking, he ended up being a decent guy, apologizing for his comments, saying "no you guys are good at what you do, I am just not into acoustic rock, but your drummer RULES." Yah he was a little drunk and maybe, just maybe a little stoned too...


Blogger Colin said...

The truth was the heckler was gay and liked fat wasn't personal....he cried when i told him i loved women...

12:52 PM  

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