Chris's Blog: Doing what you love

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Doing what you love

I am a big advocate of finding and doing what you love. If you don't know I have played in bands for over 16 years, I love playing music. Life is really funny though, because it seems like the things we REALLY want to do, we can't because they are financially feasable (and I don't mean watching cable all day). Here was an interesting essay I came across titled "How To Do What You Love", here it is What I like is his honesty about it not being easy doing what you love. Most people don't know what they love and the people who do struggle to make it work (I know the feeling).

Have you ever really sat down and asked yourself Do I really love the job I am in? or is it for the money?
Do I love the person I am with? Or do I just enjoying doing this person...I mean or is it just comfortable.
Or to take it a step further, Do I really love monkeyshyne? Or do I just like to look at Oz, laugh at Colin and avoid Chris altogether...


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