Chris's Blog: Damn what a week

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Damn what a week

Last night I feel asleep at 6:45pm and slept till 5:40am this morning, I only woke up once to eat some turkey hotdogs around 9pm. I feel much more refreshed today after all that sleep. Right when I laid down last night my wife asked "Are you going to take a nap" and I answered "no I am just resting my eyes", she always knows.

The band won't be playing that much this month because of vacations. I have a vacation next week where I am traveling up to Salt Lake City, Utah, to do some snowboarding for the week. We play this Friday in Denton and again at the end of the month in Tyler I think. We are still in the process of setting up a CD release party for Feb. and I really think this CD is head and shoulders above anything we have done. I can't wait to get it out into your hands and get some feedback.


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