Chris's Blog: I'm back...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm back...

And it was good to get away for the weekend. My next official snowboarding trip is in 3 weeks and I am already ready for that. Not only did I learn how to bust out a 180 on a ramp, I did something that I usually don't do. I got up and jammed with a musician/singer in a restaurant. Amy and I were eating enjoying his mixture of rock and country and of course I started making requests. At first he was a little timid, but then I think he, his name was Chuck, realized that I was not heckling him, we were enjoying his show. See I know that when you play in a restaurant you are usually background noise, but every musician wants attention and my wife and I gave it to him. As the night went on we clapped louder and hooped and hollered more and as we did, everybody in the room started to notice this magical musician, it wasn't a jukebox. We chatted with Chuck on a couple of his breaks and during one he suggested I get up there and jam with him. At first I said no thanks, I am on vacation, this is your time to shine. Then I just said "What the Hell", not like if I make a fool out of myself anyone will ever see me again. So I shouted "Chuck I am coming up, let’s play some Sweet Home Alabama" (every musician knows Sweet Home Alabama). We played and didn't sound too bad, a couple of mess-ups, what do you expect with never jamming together before. After we were done the place EXPLODED with applause and laughter, which I think was a good thing. It was a great experience and will become a lasting memory.


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