Chris's Blog: Last blog for a couple of days

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Last blog for a couple of days

Ok this is my last blog entry till next Tuesday, why? Because I am going to spend the next couple of days up in the mountains of New Mexico on my snowboard with my wife. Yes I am taking a couple of days where I do no work and cut myself off from the real world. I like most of you love the end of the year because it means the I get time off. Most companies shut down the last couple of weeks of the year and if they don't nobody does any work. Well monkeyshyne inc. is shut down till Dec. 30th, thats right now music for the next couple of weeks, not even practice. Yes we are still in the process of getting our CD finished and we are still working on a release date. All of that will be known soon.

I want to say Happy Holidays to all, remember it isn't about the presents or the shopping or all the material things it is about getting days off...ok it is also about the birth of our lord and saviour (Yes Colin is choking right now). Seriously though whether the Christians back in the day just wanted to cover up a pagan holiday or not, it still means something to me. I guess that is what they call faith, blind faith.

Peace to all and to all a good night.


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