Chris's Blog: What a New Years Party

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What a New Years Party

We had a great time this past weekend at Bums in Temple, Tx. Part of me having a great time was about 10 Jaeger bombs, that is Jaeger mixed with Red Bull, plus about 6 beers. Yes that is a lot of alcohol to the average man, but me I am like a fish when it comes to alcohol, just throw me in a bowl and let me SWIM...Ok so the next day my mind and body was telling me I was more like and extinct wooly mammoth...

Usually we don't play on New Years, this year the offer was right and we decided that we could all use the money. It isn't a bad thing to be wanted on New Year's Eve, eventually it was going to happen. On top of all the alcohol, Keith our old bass player came out and he just happened to have his bass out in his car, WOW that was amazing. We figured we would ask him to play and sure enough he said yes. First set he jammed about 5 songs with us then he had to take off for a while. Funny thing was right when he came back we played 2 country songs (yes I said country) and Keith used to HATE playing country songs with us, he still played them best he could. And to top the night off I was given a pure white monkey by one of my GREATEST fans, this is the second monkey she has given me. She is a little bit older lady, and just as sweet as could be. First time we played there a couple years back she told me that she liked us because we weren't so loud, I guess that is a good thing. I will call this monkey Mo, and his initials will be MWA, (Mo Withan Attitude)...sweet...

Hope your New Years was just as good.


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