Chris's Blog: Standing in my underwear...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Standing in my underwear...

Yes this past Saturday night we had our CD Release party in Dallas. And Oz and I decided to switch clothes about 4 songs into the set. I have been asked several times what it was like. Well remember those nightmares of you waking up on stage in front of a large audience and you are in your underwear, well that is EXACLTLY what it felt like. Thank the lord I decided to wear clean underwear that night.

We, as a band, are about having fun and allowing people to enjoy themselves at a show. When we get on stage we become monkeys. We dance, sing and clap for you and trust me I would want it no other way. I think a lot of times when I watch other bands I get bored watching them play their 10 original songs that you don't know and they just rock out on stage, there isn't a whole lot of fun to that, I come from the school of KISS.

For those of you who came out thanks a million for sharing in what was an incredible night. We worked real hard to get the CD sounding as good as possible. It was nice to be able to share the night we released it with a group of people who care. And I am sure there will be many more pics of Oz and I in our underwear popping up over the web soon...


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