Chris's Blog: A picture worth 1000 words

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A picture worth 1000 words

This pic just cracks me up. Cliff, a photographer friend of ours, (yes we still love Scott, but he has been out of state for a while) took some shots of us the other night. The photograph is good it just amazes me that I look that way on stage sometimes.

It is not like I am thinking in my head "oh man I must close my eyes and be a rockstar for the camera." but when I look at this pic that is what I think. I just don't see myself as a "rockstar", I see myself more as a nose picker. I don't know if I am making sense. I know most people have had that moment when they saw a picture of themselves and said "Is that Me?"...

Is this really me...oh sing it BABY!!!!


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