Chris's Blog: The Follies of Modern Technology

Monday, September 26, 2005

The Follies of Modern Technology

Technology is great. It makes our jobs easier, gets us information quicker and gets us to places much faster than ever before. Our phones not only act as phones, as small video game consoles, calculators, Internet explorers and now mp3 player's. Our cars now have built in navigation systems, that tell us where we need to go, seat warmers that toast your buns to the "right" temp and stereos that tell us what song and artist that is currently being played. This is all amazing, BUT when is enough, enough. For instance, I hold a day job working for a prestigous company and every afternoon after lunch I have to use the restroom. I don't rush the time I spend in the bathroom because it is good quit time. The problem is this bathroom doesn't have a light switch, it has a movement sensor. After a certain amount of time with no movement in front of this sensor the light turns . Yes you can see where this is going...and it isn't pretty. Many times since I have been there I have found myself in the dark on the pot (oh yes that is gross right, like you don't ever sit on the pot). And let me tell you that just SUCKS. I have not had any major incedents yet, but the day will come and it will not be pretty. Solution, lets just put a light switch back in the bathroom, I mean technology like this is just going a little overboard and needs to be flushed :)


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