Chris's Blog: FUCKING STOP

Monday, September 19, 2005


Sorry to use such a BAD word in my blog, but I am just getting tired of all this shit. This shit I refer to is spam. I see spam on blogs now, people posting comments like "Great blog, keep up the snazzy pippy work, and also check out my blog for some real neat photos of me and my pal." When is it going to end? I guess I should just move up to a mountain somewhere and live in a log cabin for me to get away from it all. Billboards every 10 feet on the highway. Race cars where you can't even see the number anymore. Going to a rock concert at SNAPPLE Rules Superplex. Spamming my email with "I am jamal baba ickycal and if you give me your bank acount number, your credit card info, you SS# and DOB, I will deposit $10000000000 dollars into your acount and you can keep 10%". Endless phone calls of "Hello is Mr or Mrs Calteerier in?". Websites with endless popups about On and on and on and on. Please just leave the blogs alone, lets agree that this is one place where people share their thoughts, experiences and philophies, not about how you can have a SUPER KICKASS job just sitting there in your underwear.


Blogger N said...

Dude I totally agree. I spend a lot of time thinking about the stuff I post and I get shit like that in response.

11:49 AM  
Blogger KayseaLove said...

"Great blog, keep up the snazzy pippy work, and also check out my blog for some real neat photos of me and my pal."

1:06 PM  

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