Chris's Blog: Apples and Oranges

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Apples and Oranges

Some people like apples, some people like oranges, some like both. If you were to only like apples and hated oranges, would you tell other people not to like oranges? What if you were allergic to oranges, then would you tell people not to like them? What is an truck caring oranges killed your dog, and for your whole life you could never eat an orange because of that incident, would you then tell people oranges are evil? My point is today more and more I am finding people that say "I wish people would just let people be", but then they turn around and say "I can't believe the way that person is acting, that is soooooo wrong". Does any else but me not see the falacy in this belief system? Me I like apples and oranges, even though they say too many apple seeds can cause cancer, guess I will die healthy.


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