Chris's Blog: Giving is a good thing

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Giving is a good thing

I once read that in order to get something you must give first. That sounds a little greedy, but lets face it we live our lives trying to "get" things. And that giving should be an everyday part of life, not just when a crisis happens. A long time ago I kept making excuses of why I couldn't give. Money, I never had enough. Time, I never had any. Energy, I was always drained. When I finally decided that all that I was blessed and I needed to give back I found money to donate (even in times when I wasn't making a lot), I found my time to donate (I do a lot of free computer tutoring for less fortunate people) and energy, I found plenty of that. I donated most of this past monday afternoon into the evening working at one of the Catholic Charity donation points unloading, sorting and loading supplies. Everytime I felt my back huring (I am getting old, I never thought I would say that) or found myself wanting to call it an evening and leave, I thought "Guess if I was stuck in New Orleans right now I wouldn't have much choice," so I chose to work a little harder and longer. I found the energy. I am not suggesting everyone go out and give till it hurts, but maybe in a time like now and an age like today, this is as good a time as any to start giving a little, and the key is don't stop, I promise it gets easier the more you do it.


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