Chris's Blog: Oh What a Feeling

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh What a Feeling

I can't speak for the rest of the guys, but DAMN it felt great to get back on stage this last weekend. The drive down to Temple, Tx. kind of sucked because of the soggy roads and nipple pinching cold. But when we got to Temple and I held that guitar in my hand I knew my heart was home again. Yes I know that sounds cheesy, you can call me the Cheeseburgler.

Oz and I also tried using in ear monitors for this show. We had tried to use them before and I just got frustrated. This time we bought some better equipment and sure enough I could hear myself 10 times better. After being a musician for so long my hearing has started to go. Don't worry I don't miss it, it just gets frustrating when we play a show and I have to get the sound guy to turn it up so DANG loud.

We have this weekend of and then we are in Tyler, Tx. It has been about 3 months since we have been there and I KNOW it will be a GREAT show. I figure everyone there should be missin them some monkeys and a kewl bald guy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We loved seeing you back in Temple and of course the awesome show Monkeyshyne always puts on! Can't wait to see y'all on the 2nd, bring on the Monkeyshyne!

6:53 AM  

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