Chris's Blog: F#$%ing computers...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

F#$%ing computers...

I swear I have been trying to post blogs for the last couple days on this damn, but they have done this upgrade and I hadn't migrated my blogs yet. Well I have now and now you can see my blogs, see seee seeee. Computers totally suck, they never do what you want when you want. Do they really make our life easier or have we just become more lazy and impatient...Like last week when I was in line at the grocery store there was 1 person in front of me and that just PISSED ME OFF, for no reason other than why should there be lines anymore? I mean I don't have to wait in line to read yahoo news everyday or read fark or look at any website I want. It is right at my finger tips ready to please instantly...unless...your computer is not working...see computers do suck...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mad ones are the ones that can't use them properly. LOL j/k ;)

10:59 AM  

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