Chris's Blog: Studio Time

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Studio Time

I am excited we have booked some studio time in August. We are ready to get back in the studio and create some of that magic. See for musicians the studio is a great thing. You can finally hear what you think everyone else is hearing when we play our songs. Yes we are only going to put 5 or 6 songs on this one too. We know you are only going to like 1 or 2 anyways so we might as well save your time and our time.

This CD we are not going to put any cover remakes on it, but we are going to remake a couple of older monkeyshyne songs and do them right. Nope I am not going to tell you which songs, well unless you load me up on Jaeger bombs. Those things have a way of making me talk.

The last studio experience we put a lot of time and energy into it and I think we finally recorded something at the next level. I have no doubt with 2 months before we get in the studio we will be able to put some really good stuff together. More updates will be coming soon.


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