Chris's Blog: This Past Weekend

Monday, May 15, 2006

This Past Weekend

Once again we had a great weekend. One of the things that makes a show great is having people show up at the show to see you. I know you hear musicians say things like "We put on the same show in front of 5 or 500 people." BULLSHIT, or at least not us. We want 500 or even 5,000 or even 50,000,000,000,000,000 people at our show. There is an energy you share with a crowd when they are into your music. They feed you and you in turn feed them. Friday night in Wichita Falls, Tx. we got called back for an encore and we were the opening band. That usually doesn't happen to opening bands. Luckily the Killdares were very cool and very good, so they didn't mind.

On Saturday night we played to a solid crowd in Dallas at a place that isn't located in the greatest of areas. Don't get me wrong, Rock N Roll is dirty, but more like a I didn't wash my hands after going to the bathroom dirty. Or at least our style of rock is more like that.

Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the shows. To protect the identities of the fans that came out I am just going to thank you by your first initial. Thanks to S, G, L, A, D, B, E, Q, P, J, D, A, V, M, N, K, L, O, Y, W, H, O, Z, R, T, X, K, W, C, X, Z, M, S, K, and 3.


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