Chris's Blog: Not really band related stuff

Monday, May 01, 2006

Not really band related stuff

This past weekend we played Friday night out in Denton. The weather was BAD. Tornados, hard rain and even wind! They kept a lot of people at home that night, but I totally understand. If the band isn't playing and I am supposed to go out, if I even smell rain I cancel my plans and use that time as Chris time (sleep).

And for some strange reason I accepted playing Volleyball with Oz, his wife and a friend Doug on Saturday. It was fun even though we got stomped every game. We lost evey game except for our first playoff game, don't ask me how we made the playoffs, but we did. I woke up this morning and not only is every muscle in my upper body sore, my knee has swollen to the size of a pineapple. Whenever this happens, I refer to it as my "happy knee". See because if I called it anything negative my wife would make me go to the doctor and get it looked at. But if I call it happy, then there is no reason to go to the doctor. Trust me it makes sense to me and that is truely all that matters...


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