Chris's Blog: "People are such idiots"

Monday, May 08, 2006

"People are such idiots"

"People are such idiots", I hear this a lot lately coming out of mouths of the majority of people I know. This statement just cracks me up. Do the people who say it not realize that someone else is making that same blanket statement and it includes them? I am a true believer that we are ALL idiots at some point or time in our lives. For me I am an idiot 2 or 3 times a day. For instance, my knee is messed up. Have I gone to the Doctor? Nope. Have I run on it? Yep. Have I played soccer on it or V-Ball on it? Yep. And if a Doctor was reading this right now, he would say, "Damn that dude is an idiot." Yes I am.

Don't get me wrong there was a time in my life when I didn't fall into the idiot category. I thought I am just too damn smart to do stupid things. I used to own a technology company. My partner and I made money hand over fist. And there were many times when I would say "damn those people are just idiots" and we would snow them for a lot of money. Well this thing called Karma finally caught up to me. Neither my partner or I were accountants, and when you start making good money a good accountant is an important person to have.

We didn't think we needed an accountant till after about 2 years of doing the taxes ourselves. I can remember our first visit to his office. He looked through our paperwork for 30 minutes, snickering and laughing. He asked questions like "Did you file a 412bd form on this? Did you file a 34AE form on this?" My partner and I just sat there with dumb looks on our faces and shrugged our shoulders. We were IDIOTS. He didn't exactly come right out and say it, but he hinted around to it in many different ways.

That was one of the first of many instances where I realized that I was an idiot. Trust me the truth hurts, but once you accept it, it really does free you. I don't correct people when I hear them say it, I just think karma will teach them sooner or later.

Say it with me right now, "God, we are all a bunch of idiots!!!" Amen...


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