Chris's Blog: Songwriting Theory

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Songwriting Theory

Now I know some of you will think this is a little absurd, but I believe all songs are written before a songwriter writes them. Kind of like our destiny is already chosen even though we get to live a life of choice. EXACTLY. I feel there is this big river of songs flowing all around us. We cannot see this river, but on a different wavelength we can hear this river. And what a songwriter has the ability to do is pull songs from this river. The problem, sometimes he only gets a part of a song, or he gets mixed up and the song isn’t as strong as the natural song. That explains why some listeners connect to some songs more than others. When a songwriter can scoop up the song in its pure form it is awesome. For instance “Sweet Home Alabama” is one of those songs. Sure we all hate the song, but it is the most played song EVER in rock n roll. No matter how old or young you are you have heard this song. As a songwriter I truly have had experiences where the song just comes out and I have no idea where it came from. Or I am asleep and write a song in my dream. I just hear these things. I scoop from the river.

You are probably thinking “man this dude is more whacked than I thought” and that is correct I am whacked (remember 2 days ago I wrote about being an idiot). But think about radio waves or satellite signals. You have those flying around everywhere moving in and out of you. You have no idea they are there until you have a receiver of some sort to play that signal, right? RIGHT. Right now as you read this KISS “Love Gun” has or is about to pass through your body through some sort of radio or satellite signal along with a million other songs. No wonder I can’t get Whams “Wake me up before you go go” out of my head…

Basically I am saying that a songwriter is a receiver, just like your radio. Some of us are AM radios and some of us are high def radios. I would like to think I am more like a cassette tape/CD Player with a 3-band equalizer with a possible mp3 player upgrade. Just please be careful with my knobs…


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