Chris's Blog: One Sad Individual

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

One Sad Individual

That would be me. Why? Because I have not created a layer of thick skin yet. I think to much and care too much. Yes that is right I am a sensitive person and have feelings and care about things. I know it sounds very girly, but I can accept that. I think even if someone gave me a million dollars right now I would find a way to make it negative and have some complaint. Not that I complain a lot, just that I don't find happiness very easy. I choose to be unhappy with my current situation. I know that drives me to want to make the situation better, but it also drives me to want to stop quit doing everything. It is a two edged sword. I always say if it was easy everyone would do it, but really after a whole lot of it being hard, I sure wouldn't mind a couple of easy breaks...


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