Chris's Blog: Don't know what to do with myself

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Don't know what to do with myself

We have the weekend off and I just don't know what to do with myself...finger painting, nah too games, nah once I getted started I can't stop...drinking, well yah...sleep, that sounds good...finger painting, still too yard work, nah thats what the wife is for...write a song, yah, I think I am going to write a song about the world cup. It will go something like this:

Every morning I get up
Its time for the world cup
will USA get spanked again
yah screw you England

Soccer, Football and Coke
What a great game, I need another Coke
Soccer, Football and Coke
I am thirsty I need Coke

Ok that is just a rough draft, but I like what I've got so far. Maybe watching USA get spanked today will give me some inspiration.


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