Chris's Blog: Let me Explain

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Let me Explain

Ok, some of you thought my last blog was a negative blog. It was and wasn't. Life is just so damn complex sometimes that it hurts. And I over think EVERYTHING that I do (good reason to start smoking pot). Here is how it all breaks down.

First you grow up and you hear your first song on the radio. From what I can remember mine was "Shout at the Devil" and I thought "How kewl, that you can actually shout at the Devil." That is when it starts. The seed of music gets planted.

Next you go buy a guitar and jam with friends or take some lessons. I remember jamming bits and pieces to songs when I was growing up including intro riff to "Crazy Train" and "Breaking the Law". Your hunger grows and you want more...Then you start your first band. Mine was with 2 other guys, 1 singer and 1 other guitarist. We could never find a drummer. That leads to more bands and more bands and more and more want...

During all this your write your first song. I actually still remember the riff to my first song, and I think we titled it "Melting My Brain Away" (yes Metallica influence there). Then you start recording your songs. As you write and record more you improve and grow. You really start putting yourselves into your "work".

If you are lucky you find some guys that are semi-serious like you and you actually play some gigs. Now this doesn't happen for a lot of musicians. You would think it would be easy to get a band together, but the reality is you have 4 different guys on 4 different schedules. This is when you and your buds start talking about world domination and touring, jokingly at first...

Then if you are even luckier you start getting more serious and you start touring outside of your home town. After you get over the initial shock of "you mean we aren't the greatest band in the world" it becomes a rush trying to win over crowds that have no idea who you are. The energy you feel is like a drug. Having someone love your song as much as the cover song you play is indescribable...

By this time you are pouring your heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into your music...but then you start to wake up...and realize that the odds of you ever doing this for a living are worse than you winning the lottery...

...1 quick pick please...


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