Chris's Blog: March 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

2 shows coming up this weekend

First for those of you in the Temple Texas area we will be there this Friday night with our latest and greatest CD. And we are giving them out FREE at the door, that is right FREE at the door, you can't beat free, well unless we gave you something else, oh yes there is something else. Colin is giving away some of his symbols to his drum kit, that is right FREE give away of cymbols autographed and everything.

Then Saturday night, we are part of the Brotherhood deep Ellum Festival, we play early, which is good. I hate playing later when people are there I would much rather play early when most people are just getting ready to go out or they are eating dinner. TRUST ME you DON'T want to miss this festival, who knows I might finally piss on stage...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Our Van is dying

Yes that is right the only black and white van in Dallas with plush red captain chairs is on its last leg. I took it to one of the 2 mechanics that I trust and he said he would not even work on it because he would not let me waste my money. He said that the engine needs an overhaul, there is a cooling leek, the automatic steering box needs replacing and there is a AC leak, and this was just on initial inspection. Now we are in the delima of what are we going to do, that van has been like part of our family, but I guess sometimes you just have to shed your tears and move on. For those of you who don't know we named the van "Run Run", well I named it "Run Run" and Oz named it "Don't Run", the van never did like Oscar anyways...

I am thinking about putting a paypal donation button on the front of our website and asking all of our fans to pitch in for our next van. I am wanting to raise around $20,000 and get something fairly new. Trust me though your money would be put to good use and you would get that warm feeling inside of knowing you did something good.

What do you think? Donation button? Would you pay?

Monday, March 27, 2006

My Amazing Loss at a Speech Contest

Yep this past weekend on Saturday I entered in a speech contest for a speech club called Toastmasters International. They only awared the top 2 and no I did not place in either position. But that is strangely ok with me. Funny when I tell people I am part of a speech club they don't believe me and I guess I really don't look like a "club" kind of guy. Well I am into self improvement and challenges, so it really didn't matter to me whether I won or lost, just that I entered and did it. Now this isn't to say that the next one that comes around I won't kick in the a$$.

It is funny I hate being nervous, but I love the energy it gives me. There used to be a time when I got on stage and I would get "that" feeling, but not anymore. People ask "Do you get nervous?" and to be honest I couldn't tell you the last time I was. Giving a speech is like getting on stage, but the challenge is not having a guitar or music as a crutch, it is just you and the audience and that gets my juices flowing.

That adrenaline also has attracted me to radio. I get totally pumped when I get on the mic, it is truely like a drug. But I guess I would rather be hooked on this than crack, I think...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A picture worth 1000 words

This pic just cracks me up. Cliff, a photographer friend of ours, (yes we still love Scott, but he has been out of state for a while) took some shots of us the other night. The photograph is good it just amazes me that I look that way on stage sometimes.

It is not like I am thinking in my head "oh man I must close my eyes and be a rockstar for the camera." but when I look at this pic that is what I think. I just don't see myself as a "rockstar", I see myself more as a nose picker. I don't know if I am making sense. I know most people have had that moment when they saw a picture of themselves and said "Is that Me?"...

Is this really me...oh sing it BABY!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Good or Great?

I was thinking again this past weekend about being good and being great. I admit I am one that settles to often with being good. Not that good is bad, but it isn't great. Being great takes that extra step, or going that extra inch or even mile. To be honest I have been cursed with the ability to be good very easily. It doesn't take long for me to climb to mediocrity. The funny thing about human nature is we can know that we need to work hard or change something and still never do it. I can know that I need to put in the extra time to climb above average and still fall short of the goal.

To be honest I think monkeyshyne is a good band and that isn't bad, but once again it isn't great. It is better than sucking, which we used to do really good. Can we be great? I think we all know we want to be great, but remember as humans we can know what we need to do, but that doesn't mean we are going to do it.

To be good or great, that is truely the question.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Nice, wish everyone would do this

This is my favorite picture in the whole world right now. Thanks Terry for sending it to us. This just makes me feel all warm inside that someone (other than myself) would paint monkeyshyne on the back of their car.

I figure if I could just get 1 out of every 1,000 people to do this to their car, we would have about 3,000 people driving around advertising for monkeyshyne, NOW THAT JUST MAKES GOOD SENSE, at least to me it does.

Here is my call to arms with ALL monkeyshyne to paint "monkeyshyne rocks" or "monkeyshyne something" on your cars, bodies (especially really hot chicks), myspace pages, websites, bulletin boards and anywhere else you can think. Then send us a picture and you just might win...a free something...or a REALLY big pat on the back!!! Or even better you will be featured in Oz's AWESOME blog...

Monday, March 13, 2006

St. Patty's Day Parade

Once again I had a blast passing out beads and yelling at people watching the Parade. There were SOOOO many people this year it was unreal almost. And if you ask me I don't think you can get this kind of exposure anywhere for the kind of money it costs to put a float in the Parade.

This year wasn't as planned as last year because of the CD release we had last week. That took a lot of time looking for the 2 vintage guitars we gave away. We still managed to pull it together. Oz and Colin both helped out this year which made it a lot easier on my. The night before when I was hooking up our stereo, I blew our power converter, luckily Oz being a guy who know that the red wire should go on the red post and the black wire on the black post fixed it.

I saw a ton of people I knew and a TON of people I didn't know. I saw monkeyshyne fans and Kidd Kraddick fans and I saw people who just didn't care. I only got hit by 1 piece of ice and 2 beads, oh and I got silly stringed once, overall I would say HELL YAH, can't wait till next year.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oz has been feeling bad

I am sorry for all those who have noticed that Oscar has not been updating his blog. He apparently broke his pointing finger in a thumb war with Colin last week. Luckily he was ok during the show and was able to at least look like he was playing the guitar.

My blog today is actually going to be Oscar's blog of what he did this weekend, by my best translation:

(Remember this is Oz's blog, so I will speak in 1st person)
Friday - Today I got up, jogged about 5 miles before the sun rose, I then sat at my nook and at pastries and sipped hot tea until 7pm. I finally jumped in the shower only to realize that it wasn't a shower I was jumping in to but a TIME TRAVEL MACHINE. When I turned the knob it sent me back to 1913, when the American Revolution was just getting its freedom from Africa. Smartly enough I invested 10 cents into the Stock Market on a little company called "apples" (later to become Apple), then I jumped back in my time machine to Saturday current and played a ROCK SHOW. After that I was bored so I swam with the turtles on Sunday. Did I mention that I like lamp?

Oz Over and Out

Ok so maybe I added several things to his day and over exagerated a point or two but you get the just...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Standing in my underwear...

Yes this past Saturday night we had our CD Release party in Dallas. And Oz and I decided to switch clothes about 4 songs into the set. I have been asked several times what it was like. Well remember those nightmares of you waking up on stage in front of a large audience and you are in your underwear, well that is EXACLTLY what it felt like. Thank the lord I decided to wear clean underwear that night.

We, as a band, are about having fun and allowing people to enjoy themselves at a show. When we get on stage we become monkeys. We dance, sing and clap for you and trust me I would want it no other way. I think a lot of times when I watch other bands I get bored watching them play their 10 original songs that you don't know and they just rock out on stage, there isn't a whole lot of fun to that, I come from the school of KISS.

For those of you who came out thanks a million for sharing in what was an incredible night. We worked real hard to get the CD sounding as good as possible. It was nice to be able to share the night we released it with a group of people who care. And I am sure there will be many more pics of Oz and I in our underwear popping up over the web soon...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Taking the black and white thing to far...

For those of you who don't know monkeyshyne uses the colors of black and white to split the stage. Well this week at the radio station, I was asked to go tan half of my body with a Mystic Tan, and for some I thought "hey this would be a GREAT idea" it would fit in with the whole black and white thing. Oh Boy how WRONG was I. I look STUPID. We have our HUGEANTIC CD release party this Saturday night at Firewater and here I am looking like I fell asleep with only half of my body in the sun...I guess I will just have to turn sideways the whole night. The first half of the night you will see the white Chris and then at the end of the night maybe the dark Chris. I don't know I have to think this through a little bit.

Either way you should plan on coming out to our CD release this Saturday night March 4th at the Firewater Bar and Grill. The show starts around 9pm with the Valentines and we go on around 10:30pm. We are giving aways free CD's at the door and also we are having a drawing for 2 guitars. Also it is Oz's Bday, oh and did I mentin it is our CD release party. Plus we have a bunch of other crap going on. To close out the night, the Josh Goode band, they are Goode, get it...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Let me Explain

Ok, if you haven't read Colin's Blog it shows me dressed as a woman. And yes I admit it was me. It was a party and everyone was supposed to dress up as a woman, I guess Colin was too embarressed to post pics of him, Oz and Keith. See we all dressed up for the party, luckily I had some copies of their pics, and here they are:

Colin looked especially pretty in his pink dress, and I really liked his whole attitude about "Feel Good", thanks Colin you da man...I mean woman...

Oz just scared me. He looked TOO good, I mean I know he watches his figure, BUT DAMN...

I know I told Keith the point was to dress up like a WOMAN, but I guess any party is an excuse for Keith to wear his Robin costume...