Chris's Blog: Are you ever that big?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Are you ever that big?

Where do "local" musicians get these huge ego's. Every once in a while I come across these assholes that for some reason are better than everyone else in the room especially the other bands they play with. And the real funny thing is most of the time these "music gods" don't even know the other band they are bashing. Can someone explain to me where the ego's come from. Why there is a need to feel bigger and better than another person or another band. Ok, so you are probably wondering "who" was this "musical genuis" that pissed me off. It was the almighty Dan Dyer. The dude has no idea who I am or my band and I am kewl with that. I have never met him before, but we had a great oppurtunity to open for him this past weekend. And out of no where, during his set he starts poking fun at us and how we have a "great vision" with our black and white t-shirts, van and other stuff and yes he was being very sarcastic. I mean WTF, we are just some guys trying to put out good music and make our show a little more entertaining than just getting up on stage in a pair of jeans and t-shirt and standing there playing a song. Go buy a CD if you want to just listen to music. I come from the school of rock n roll and bands like KISS, that knew they needed to "entertain" their fans. He chose not to watch any of our set and walked into the club 20 minutes late from when he was supposed to be there. I guess I haven't embrassed this lifestyle yet, we are usually early to our gigs and we are interested in watching the bands we play with. Sure not everyone appeals to us, but at least we take the time to find that out for ourselves. My advice to any bands up and coming or already out there, leave your ego's at home with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/dog, being a local musician is hard enough without having to deal with that.

Disclaimer: If you are a Dan Dyer fan and this turns you off to monkeyshyne, I guess I have to accept that. I am tired of taking shit from other people who think the Lord made this world for them and them only. Who knows Dan is probably one "great" guy, but I probably will never find out. To all those fans that where there to see Dan and bought our CD and cheered for us thank you, we really appreciated that, more tha


Blogger Chris Cloutier said...

Dan I know we are small, I know that we are a piece of sand on a beach and not even a fish in the big ocean, and that is where life has put us. Funny thing was until the comments, I thought you were GREAT. And even after you made the comments I was telling people how good you were. The more I thought about what you said, the more I stewed about it, the banter between you and your guitarist was a tease and that is the way it came across that way. Dude I would have had no problem with you not saying anything at all. We could have totally sounded like shit and you had no idea. I can't say that I understand not seeing your daughter and wife for only 30 days a year, that sucks. And many of the people have sent us emails telling us that you are a kewl dude. In comment to what your rules:
- If you are the headliner, say hello to the opener, it is your show and we respect that, there is a reason you are headlining and we are not, you are in the position of power. If the opening band doesn't say hi back, you know they are probably dicks.
- Agree always ask the headlining band about moving thier stuff. We never touched your stuff and we have played many shows were our drummer couldn't even fit his whole kit on stage. Once again it is the headliners show, we respect that.
- Agreed try not to load out when the headliner band it playing. We broke that rule with you, we kept waiting for you to take a break to load out our merch, just like you were tired and wanted to rest before the show, we wanted to get on the road and get home by at least 4am in the morning. Sorry, I do apologize for that one.
- Agreed, never have we dissed a headliner, it is there show and we are happy to be on the bill. We were totally stoked to be opening for you and KNEW that was your crowd, we showed nothing but respect for you.

Dan, I am sorry if it was a misunderstanding. I apologize to you.

7:30 AM  

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