Chris's Blog: Texas State Fair or Fare?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Texas State Fair or Fare?

First let me start out with definitions of fair:

- Of pleasing appearance, especially because of a pure or fresh quality; comely.

Definition of Fare:

- A transportation charge, as for a bus.

I took my wife yesterday and after being there for about 2 hrs and over $100 later, I started thinking, where the HELL did they come up with this name. The definition of Fair is of pleasing appearance or fresh quality, no that this "fair", it was anything but pleasing and fresh. The fair attracts every kind of weird person you can imagine, so weird I even saw Big Mike one of the bouncers from the Curtain Club (just kidding Mike, I know you can kick my ass). It seemed to me that they should change the name to "Texas State Fare", then at least people will hopefully realize you are going to pay a arm and a leg for that "ride". Overall it was a fun day, my wife enjoyed it and that is truely what matters. (yes this is the mushy side of Chris, don't expect it too much)


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