Chris's Blog: Last Dallas Show

Monday, July 09, 2007

Last Dallas Show

The date for our last Dallas show is Saturday August 4th. Right now we know that our friends the Opus Flux are playing that night, but don't really know who else as of yet. So if you can make it out that night, we will have little Colin sitting in for a song and we will have my brother Mark playing a song. Mark, Colin and I actually playing in the original monkeyshyne band, but it was called Klew-T-A and we changed the name after he left and Oz came aboard. We will start around midnight and play till close. We have a bunch of oldies, but goodies we want to jam on that night.

I must say I already miss the guys and playing. I have already joined another band (a cover band), and have started talking to Keith about doing and original project. I said it before and I will say it again, it just sucks loosing something that I thought was so great, even if we didn't "make it" we sure did make great music and lived a great experience. As more things progress with my other bands I will let everyone know. Music is in my blood, I just love it too much to quit. I even playing Guitar Hero the other night and found myself bored with the game, because I would rather be doing it live and in front of an audience than playing to a TV.

If you can make it out to one of these last shows and show us that you cared. I know rock bands say it all the time, but it really are the people that make bands tick and rock. Thanks once again for all the kind myspace messages and emails, that made me feel good to know that we do have fans that care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Chris, you make me want to cry:(
You know all of your fans are going to miss y'all together. You're awesome and keep us updated!
See you in Tyler for sure!

10:34 PM  

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