Chris's Blog: Past and Present

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Past and Present

We played without Colin this past weekend and I must admit if felt a little strange. I can't remember the last show we played without him. Plus I can really tell how bad our timing is without him. Well it isn't really me, it is Keith and Oz, a bunch of white boy, no-time musicians. I am really solid, just ask Colin...

Before we got on stage we started talking about doing a monkeyshyne reality tv show. I mean why not, everyone else has one, why can't we. After brainstorming for several hours we had the perfect idea and we even had a theme song, thanks to Oz. I think this show will be really good for us and for the rest of the world. It will really open everyone eyes to the reality of the road and the touring band. And you will be able to see how hard it all really is.

Be prepared monkeyshyne reality TV is on its way!


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