Chris's Blog: Why can't we just get along?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Why can't we just get along?

Lately there has been a disturbance in the force or I mean monkeyshyne. Colin and I have just not been on the same page. I think both are intentions are good even great, we just manage to stomp on each other. I think the fact that we are both set in our ways also helps. It sucks sometimes being the "leader" of the pack, most of the time you don't get thanked for what you do and the other times someone is mad at you for a choice that you made or something that you decided against. Of course I realize on the flip side it sucks being the one following, it is hard for me to give up control and let someone else lead my destiney. I have always tried to be as fair as possible, but it is hard enough to be fair to just yourself let alone others. I mean think about it everyday I do things that I told myself I wouldn't do. I promise myself that I am going to workout more, practice more, learn Spanish, write a song every week, learn the art of DJing, and these are things that I am doing outside of the work that I do. And I am lucky to fit 60% in a week. What is the point, it goes back to being a leader, I guess I don't feel I lead to well by example and that is probably where most of the problems stim from. I know that Colin is on edge like the rest of us, we are tired, beat down and on the verge of quiting (shocking huh), but the reality is this is hard. It was hard to loose 2 bass players we cared for. It was hard to try and change direction in our music. It is hard to play without a bass player. It is hard to play in your "home" town and draw 13 people to the show. Trust me I do love music and playing I think we all loose faith every now and then. Probably another reason why we aren't connecting too well. I could probably come up with 100 of reasons, but I won't.

This is probably the most unorganized blog I have ever written and for some reason I am going to keep it just like it is. Colin I love you bro in a good game kind of way.


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