Chris's Blog: Public Apology to Dan Dyer

Monday, November 07, 2005

Public Apology to Dan Dyer

No this is not a sarcastic title, a couple weeks back I wrote a blog titled "Are you ever that big?" about Dan and how I thought that something he said was inappropriate, Dan replied back and corrected me that he did not mean for it to come out negative. His response was not the nicest response, but my blog was not the nicest blog. Looking back my comments were insecure and petty and he was right I should have titled it "how small are we?" It was petty of me to diss another musician that is working hard just to make a living doing what he loves. I claim to love music and claim to be supportive of local music, but this blog did not reflect that. I must say that Oz and Colin told me not to say anything about the incident and just let it go, but I choose to say something.

Being in the music business is tough, there is no money, long hours and lack of respect from most people in the "business". We, monkeyshyne, have been around for 6+ years. We have lost 2 bass players that we loved, we have had our name mispelt and mispronounced 1000's of times, we have been mistaken in magazines and newspapers as Pushmonkey, we have been told that we suck, we have been told that our music sucks, we have lost a lot of fans in search of "our sound", we have played many many many shows to the bartender, waitress and the sound guy, we have met many bands that were not very nice and on and on and on and on. BUT we are STUPID, we somehow find love in what we do, we love each other in the band, we love the music we make, we love the fans, friends and family who support us. And I have decided that I don't have to take the shit people dish anymore and I thought Dan Dyers was dishing it, I was wrong, and I am sorry.


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