Chris's Blog: monkeyshyne looking for a bass player and much more

Friday, November 04, 2005

monkeyshyne looking for a bass player and much more

The guys and I had an agreement that when we find our next bass player he will find us. And I agree, I am just going to put the word out there that we are looking. I really do enjoy being able to plug in an electric guitar and have the bass keeping the low end pounding with the drums. And I am not ready to stop playing live shows. Now I am not saying that Oz, Colin and I can't handle playing live by ourselves, because we can and we will continue to do just that. If you know any bass players that can play, are road ready, love music, would enjoy playing acoustic rock and can commit to something that is bigger than just them, then send them our way. If he/she can sing, well bonus. Also why I am asking, if you know any keyboard players that are interested, send them our way. Any violin players, send them our way and last but not least any sax players send them our way. Now most of my blogs are jokes, but believe me this one is not. If you would like to be a part of our destiny please let me know...


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