Chris's Blog: Life isn't a game of chance

Friday, November 18, 2005

Life isn't a game of chance

I am starting to believe there is no such thing as luck. Our lives are actually a connect the dot puzzle. You see for every action there is a reaction, and those actions and choices lead to more actions and choices. Its starts to get a little confusing because everyone gets to make choices. So your choices are the only ones that matter, other peoples do to. For instance, you grow up turn 16, ask you dad to teach you how to drive, you learn, get your license and drive for 4 years, get in a couple of accidents, get a couple of tickets and WHAM one day a bird flies into your window and you swerve hitting another guy and both of you go flying into a ditch. Now you think "damn that was unlucky" but actually that is not the case. See the bird was actually from up North and one day when he was perched out on a branch a hunter took a shot at him with a BB gun. Well that bird never stopped running. When the bird finally made it to your highway and flew into your window he had been flying nonstop for 60 hours straight, see he was tired and flying to low. Luck, chance, nope just a hunter in the woods. What is the point of my story, I don't know...


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