Chris's Blog: Why local bands are local...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why local bands are local...

There are a couple of good reasons. First most of us don't know how to play our instruments properly. There is a running joke in just about any studio and it is "How do you get a guitar player to stop playing?"..."Put sheet music in front of him." See most of us musicians grow up watching MTV and all the pop stars and the glamarous life and we say, "man I want to live like that." Listen to Weezer's song Beverly Hills and that just about sums it up. Also most of us don't know how to write a song. Sure we can put chords together and we can write down some words, but actually understanding a song and how to craft it is an art, just like drawing. Sure anyone can draw a picture, but not everyone can draw a picture using Neo-Impressionism, Pointillism or Surrealism. And what about the musician that says "Dude I don't need a metronome, I have great timing and a metronome will just ruin the feel." Funny thing is that was us about 3 years ago. My advice to the local bands out there: Learn the notes on a guitar and basic chords Mel Bays Modern Guitar Method: Grade 1 (Grade 1) (Grade 1) is a great book to start with. Then read a book or two on writing a song and writing lyrics, just search on amazon and you will find plenty. Then listen to every kind of style of music you can stand, soak it in and try and understand it. I don't care if the style you play is pop, rock, metal or R&B, you can learn from all styles of songwriting even country, especially country. Then write your ass off, and let people critique it. Sure let your friends and family critique it but then let other musicians critique it. Yes you will probably get feedback that will hurt your feelings, but if you listen you have a great oppurtunity to grow. And then play live, everywhere and anywhere and listen to what people have to say, this will help you to experience real life.

Now why should you listen to me, I am only a local musician. I am not there yet, but I only wish I had someone clue me in a little many years ago then maybe I wouldn't feel so far behind right now. Good luck and if you love it, don't stop, creating a song out of nothing is something that most people will never understand.


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