Chris's Blog: December 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006


Ok where the hell did Colin come up with his Brokeback Mountain theory between Keith and I? How did a golf game turn into a torid love affair? My theory is that Colin has always had a thing fo me, yep that is right. Maybe it was all the drumsticks he tried poking me in the ass with? Maybe it was all the late night "hey Chris you want to snuggle" comments in the van.

That is right Colin I think it is jealousy. And now that I think about it, it might not be a love for me, but for Keith. That is why you always call him "my" bass player. The only other person I call my is "my" wife. HHMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm Colin is there something you want to say to the world, start off the new year fresh...

Keith you suck I rule...WOW now that sentence just took on a WHOLE new meaning...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wow Keith...

I feel a little bit of embarrassment on your part. I know that you have beaten me in the past, but let’s not live in the past. I personally like to live in the future and the future is called A.C. (After Chris Kicked Keith’s ASS).

Keith here are some pointers for you when playing golf with me in the future and please remember these points are totally meant from a friend to a friend.

1) I know that you like to complain a lot about the “sun being in your eyes.” I suggest you wear some sunglasses. Funny though this last time we played the sun wasn’t even out…

2) Practice makes perfect, unless you are perfect. See I am about as perfect as perfect can be, so naturally anything I do is perfect and you… well you need to practice.

3) I would suggest getting yourself a little putting game. Something fun like this

4) Remember that stick we used to talk about? Although it has been removed I think sometimes you still stand like it’s there, especially when you are looking for your wooden T’s.

5) Last but not least play with yourself more…

I hope these help Keith. You have a couple of weeks before we will be able to play again which should give you plenty of time to get started on these. And of course if you would like me to give you some lessons I could break you a deal, $50 an hour… just for you buddy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Before Keith Posts His Blog

I beat his ASS yesterday in golf. I mean it was a SPANKING. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK, damn I think he is still hurting. If you see him walking funny around the college campus you will know why. Oh yah actually he is out of school for the holidays. That’ll be good for him. It will give him plenty of time to recover.

One of my best shots was when I shot a 2 on a 3 par hole. I putted one in from about 10 yards out. It was a shot in a million, but yours truly nailed it.

For some reason yesterday I was just feeling good. Usually on the first hole it takes me about 8 to 10 swings to sink my ball, but yesterday it only took 5 strokes. The weather was great and I also know that in a week I will be up in the mountains for vacation. For 7 days I get to turn into a snowboarding bum.

Keith buddy, you know I love you man, but what can I say the better man won...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Big Thanks

to everyone who came out this past Saturday night. We had a really good turnout for the show. Sure we had a number of people we thought would be there not show, but I totally understand that.

I would say before we even hit the stage I was feeling pretty good. Must have had something to do with the 3 tequila shots, 2 Jaegar bombs and half dozen beers. I know I can speak for the other guys when I say it was a pleasure to get to entertain in our home town.

I will have the CD's on sale online by the end of the week if you missed the show. And if you don't want to buy one online I am sure we will be in your neck of the woods soon.


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Something New

Please excuse my mess on the main monkeyshyne website. I was trying to be all fancy and change up the look of the site a little bit and I think what I changed it to looks like shit. Late last night I thought "hey that looks really kewl and artsy and such", but today I look at it and say "wow that sucks donkey nuts."

See art is such a tough business, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Take for instance the Mona Lisa, I think that painting is really bad. I mean the chick looks like a guy. But take any picture of a naked woman from Playboy and I would call that art, oh and of course they have great articles.

It is similar to music. Some people hear our music and think "wow this is great!" and other say "wow these guys need to stop stinking up the airways." Of course I would love to think EVERYONE loves our stuff, but I know that won't happen, that is just the reality of it.

Mona Lisa or Playboy, the decision is up to you...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I can't believe it

Nobody has blogged about this past Saturday night. First let me say I truely enjoyed the crowd we had out there supporting us and the Opus Flux (Frolic). Both bands really enjoy each other so it makes it that much more sweat when we get to play together. During the first set I managed to yell out that Cliff our road guy hadn't been laid in a while. All I was trying to do was help, but I guess nobody agreed with my statement.

Then I had another hum dinger, I said monkeyshyne was going to change its name to Aeon Flux and that way when we play shows with the Opus Flux we could Flux all night long...yah it sounds just as cheesy now as it did Saturday night too.

This Saturday is our Dallas CD release at Firewater Bar and Grill. I hope to see EVERYONE there.

And last but not least if you aren't feeling the holiday spirit yet this video may help

Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy Holidaze

Billy Idol is putting out a Christmas CD and oh my God this is so absolutely WRONG. This guy sings about devirginising virgins, sex and blow and now he is singing about Christmas trees…you got to check this stuff out Is this what I look forward too if monkeyshyne actually ever “makes it.” I can see it right now monkeyshyne sings all your Christmas favorites. Maybe to tough it out a little we can call the CD “Shove a Christmas tree up your ASS!” I know that would make Keith feel much better about it…

That does remind me of a Christmas song that we actually did write and record. I even made a video for it. Of course it is not as gay as Billy Idol because the song is one big sexual reference and that makes it ok. You can watch the video here Sorry Keith I couldn’t find the original so I couldn’t add you into the actual video so I made you the background instead.

Temple, Tx. here we come! And don’t worry about the cold weather we will surely warm you up with great music and Jaeger shots!