Chris's Blog: February 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Random Crap

The Cd release is coming up this Saturday and instead of tell you all the reasons why you should be there I am just going to say this one thing, it is Oz's B-Day, thats right the day God decided to grace us with his presence, for some this is good, for others not so good. For Colin and I (without sounding gay) grateful (ok enough with the mushy stuff). Oz did tell me that he was sad and he did not think anyone would show up for this show or care about his Birthday. Actually all he kept talking about was Colin in some dream he had...weird...So if you need a reason to come out, it should be make a little boy happy on his birthday and who knows he may even let you spank him.

Ok this is a song I spoofed on the radio: figured I would post it for fun. It is a country singer spoofing Nelly's song Grillz.

This picture of Turd F. (aka Trista) at her B-Day Party. You really can't see it but on top of her cake was a TURD and she was eating it GROSS... (I know I will never get true revenge from the picture she took of Colin and I LOOKING like we are making out, Colin you sick bastard...)

What does my new quote "Mow My Yard" mean. Well it symbolizes how I feel about the world, if everyone would just mow their yards, the world would be a greater and better groomed place.

done for now...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Stealing my thunder

Ok for those of you watching American Idol there is a guy on there with a shaved head and his name is Chris. HOLY SHIT this guy is my freaking body double, I swear he must have been to a monkeyshyne show and decided that he was going to imitate me, please observe:

This is me driving in my truck, I am very happy:

This is a picture of Chris, he is also happy:

Here is a picture of me on stage, "rocking out":

Here is a picture of Chris "rocking out" on stage (switching shirt colors ain't gonna fool anyone):

But the coincedences don't stop there. For instance this past Tuesday night I sang "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi on stage in Wichita Falls for a private party. The next night Chris decides to sing, guess what song, thats right "Wanted Dead or Alive". Son of a BITCH, I mean what is left for me, this guy is stealing my fifteen minutes of fame, he is TOTALLY copying everything I do, and I am not real happy about that. So if you watch American Idol and you actually vote, please save a Chris and vote for Ace, yah he is kinda gay (like Oz), but you will preserve my fifteen minutes in the sun...DAMN YOU CHRIS...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Last Nights Private Party

It was a good time. Only thing I don't like about playing gigs during the week, I don't drink. Yes I know that is my fault, I don't have to be responsible ALL the time. I just know when I drink during the week it makes the week A LOT longer, time starts crawling like a spider with 2 legs (thats slow). It was a good time and hopefully we have a picture of Turd Ferguson (Trista) eating the turd off of her cake. I will post that all over the myspace world, just like the picture of Colin trying to tongue kiss me, what a FAG...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Why do bands NEED bass players?

We proved that they are not NEEDED, but I sure do like having a bass player around. It is amazing how much that little bit of low end adds. Looks like Keith may be joining back up with the monkeyshyne tribe, he says he missed us. I just think he missed the midnight hugging sessions with Colin (don't worry from what I hear they wear their underwear and it isn't gay). Plus I get to pick up my electric guitar, and that makes me happy. For this CD release coming up March 4th, we will be rocking out, old school, monkeyshyne style. Don't be afraid if you walk in the door and you hear a little bit of crunch, trust me you WILL like it. Hopefully the weather will be nice, we have tons of stuff to give away, and we have a SHOW planned. Not just us getting up and playing songs, thats boring, I mean a SHOW. And there are rumors floating around that Oz is going to get necked (read his blog)...

Friday, February 17, 2006

So happy together

It is now up on for your listening pleasure. Why did we decide to plut a cover on our CD, well let me tell you why. Cover music (or someone elses song) is a good thing, Van Halen covered a song on just about every Album, from Roy Orbison to the Sunny Robinsons. Metallica recorded 2 whole CD's that were covers from Irish dirges to the Misfits to Queen. Even the Beatles did a cover of Led Zepplin!!! What I am trying to say is monkeyshyne is now big enough like Van Halen, Metallica, the Beatles and all the other greats to follow in their footsteps. Ok maybe we average about 3 people at every show and maybe we have only sold about 200 CD's in our 5+ year career, but I can feel it in the AIR, we are about to EXPLODE...SO jump on board our rocket ship and ENJOY THE RIDE!!!

(Ok now all I have to do is get 10 people to read this and send it to their 10 friends and their 10 friends send it to their ten friends...)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Monkeyshyne giving a speech, just doesn't sound right

Oz and I gave a speech last night at the Dallas Song Writers Association (you can tell I really don't care a lot about VD day). When we were first ask it seemed a little strange. Why would you want a rock band to talk to a bunch of songwriters. And then when we sat down to write our speech it did make some sense. We used to really suck as songwriters, don't get me wrong we still suck now, but at least now we know that we suck. Years ago we were wondering why we weren't rich and famous and hadn't had 3 videos on MTV. Over time we really have learned a lot. It was kind of kewl actually getting to share a lot of what we have figured out with a group or people willing and wanting to listen. And because we gave the speech we now get a year's free membership to the DSA.

Ok, for any young bands that might happen to read my blog, you need to come out to the DSA. All to often we think because we can play an A chord and sing a note that we are songwriters, true, but usually not GOOD songwriters and no where near GREAT. This is a good place to let people listen and critique and for you to listen and critique. Swallow your pride or spend the next 5 years wondering "why aren't we famous yet"...of course we are still asking that question too...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Together, We are

Here it is monkeyshyne's rendetion of Happy Together by the turtles, coming up on our new CD. It really isn't so happy anymore, and a little more rockin if you ask me. Yes we finally decided to record someone elses song. I don't think it is a step in the wrong direction, I think it shows that we are trying to grow and learn from those who were here before us. Ok enough philosophy, check out the song and enjoy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What do I sound like on the Radio?

Here is my first recorded aircheck, be forwarned isn't like a interesting piece of radio, it is basically just me intoing and outroing songs, REAL EXCITING, but I figured what the hell If you actually sit through the whole thing, please feel free to give me any feedback positive or negative, just remember I am real sensitive so if you are going to say something not nice, please leave out cuss words and try and make it sound positive :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New Song up on "Dreaming"

Yep that is right, I know I said it would be up by Monday, and it is now Wednesday, what can I say, I am a rocker and move at my own speed, I call it "kewl drive". This week the song is "Dreaming" and you can get it at for free for this week. Oz wrote this one and can probably explain what it is about, when I hear it I think about smoking dope and eating twinkies, naked lying in a field of sheep. Yah maybe you interpret something different, but that is the magic of music.

I watched the movie "Grizzly Man" the other night and you talk about a dude who was a dreamer. I mean this guy lived with the HUGE grizzly bears and for some reason he thought they were his friend, that is until they ate him. Thats right I just spoiled the movie, but if you haven't seen it yet, you are going to see it anyways. I suggest it HIGHLY, it made me feel pretty good about where I am at in life.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Our very first Heckler

This past friday at our show in Temple, we had our first official heckler in the audience. Over 5+ years and we have never had anyone yell out "YOU SUCK" to our faces. I am sure many people have said it behind our backs but not while we were on stage. This guy wasn't all bad because after he yelled you suck he said "But your DRUMMER RULES". So at least Colin had earned his respect. After hearing him yell that several times I decided that I needed to dedicate a song to this guy and showcase Colin's skills a little more so we played the acoustic version of "Ever Rose has its Thorn" by Poison. There is a killer drum part after the solo where Colin plays the wood block for a couple of measures. After we finished up that set I was a little beat down to be honest, either I was going to chew bubble gum or kick ass and I was out of bubble gum...ok there was no ass kicking, he ended up being a decent guy, apologizing for his comments, saying "no you guys are good at what you do, I am just not into acoustic rock, but your drummer RULES." Yah he was a little drunk and maybe, just maybe a little stoned too...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The game do I really care

Ok, so today is super bowl sunday and I am debating on whether or not I am going to watch the "big game". To be honest I don't really know who is in it, I think it is the Houston Rockets and the Orlando Blooms...Go Cowboys...Maybe me and my wife will go rent the movie Beaches, I heard that is a good one.

Friday, February 03, 2006

An old friend

Funny I was reading a book the other day and it triggered a memory of an old friend I grew up with named Carter. So I decided to see if I could track, and sure enough (thanks to the world wide web) I found where he was and actually he was in Dallas. Back when we were younger Carter moved away to Seattle Washington, we hung out for a while, but as we grew older we parted ways. I shot him an email and we met up for a couple of beers. Man it was like old times. What a trip, what a trip.

A couple more days and the "Now" will get taken off of myspace.

FYI, the CD release MAY NOT happen, Big Colin has decided that on March 4th he has a Red Apple party that is more important...WHAT THE HELL IS A RED APPLE PARTY...Regardless Oz and I will be there, handing out CD's and getting him drunk for his B-Day.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

March 4th not only our CD release but the Birthday or ...

Oz. Yep that is right, Oz's Birthday is also on March 4th. No I didn't exactly plan it that way, but I am sure he doesn't mind. By the way Oz likes anything sweet like candy or cake so feel free to bring him goodies on his special day. I also want to remind you a couple more days and we will take down "Now" from our myspace site and put up another song from our upcoming CD, so better get your fill of it. It won't be available again until the CD release March 4th at the Firewater Bar and Grill. Go to to give it a listen or jump on my personal myspace site at

For this show I think we are even going to have 2 guitars to give away. Thats right 2 guitars to give away. A autographed black one and a white one. If I have said it once I am going to say it again, this is a show you DON'T want to miss.