Chris's Blog: What a Way to Go Out...

Monday, August 06, 2007

What a Way to Go Out...

Saturday night couldn't have gone any better than it did...OK that's a lie. What could have made it better was having a big record label approach us after the show and tell us they are signing us to a 10 year record deal worth $1,000,000,000's...But then it wouldn't been our last show.

We had a room full of people who really loved what we have done over the years. I was on cloud nine the whole show. When we first started talking about recreating the history of the band, it didn't really seem like it was going to happen. It isn't easy getting everyone on the same page sometimes. But we did, and we were able to play a set that documented monkeyshyne from the beginning to the end.

We started out with Mark(my little brother), Colin and I playing a Klew-T-A song called "I Don't Know." Klew-T-A was the original band before monkeyshyne. Then came Oz. He was so sexy we couldn't say no to having him join the band (even if all he knew how to play was love songs). Oz, Big Colin and I played a couple of tunes with the 3 of us. Then we had lil Colin come up and play a song he wrote for us while he was in the band called "Eyes Behind You." Felt good playing with my lil puddin' (that was my nickname for him). Then he left and then Keith, our buddy in arms, finished out the rest of the night on stage (And actually he played bass guitar on everything, but "Eyes Behind You"). I don't think I have ever seen him move like he did on stage (I think he might have been a little jealous of lil Colin's dance moves). We ended up getting to play 19 songs, but it sure didn't seem like it. It really is true, time flies when you are having fun, and we were having fun.

I will say it again and again and again and again Thank You to everyone who supported us over the years. Came to our shows, bought our CD's, and told us how much we have touched them. It was one hell of a journey, but we have reached the destination. Sometimes I think the only reason I set the goal so high, was so we would never reach the destination, and I would be able to share the stage with the people I love until we were old and crotchety. But things change and people change, and change is a good thing, unless it's just a bunch of pennies...


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