Chris's Blog: November 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well this SUCKS! I am getting let go at the beginning of the year at 106.3 the buzz, the alt rock station that I was doing overnights for. The PD said she is having to cut back her budget and if she lets me go that frees up a WHOLE $150.00 a month for her budget. I guess this means I am officially in radio and man it really sucks hard. I thought being a road musician was a crappy job. Being a local touring musician you don’t get much respect or make any money and you deal with a lot of A-hole’s and I am finding out that radio is the same. Music has always been something that I enjoy and I am sure it is something I always will enjoy, but I am finding how twisted it really can be. Plus I am starting to question my talents, maybe I suck and that is why I haven’t gone anywhere. I mean I have been trying to bust into the national music scene for15 years now and I don’t think I am any closer now than I was then. I thought that working as a DJ and working with the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning show might help and give me another avenue with my music, but to be honest I don’t think it has that much. I have had a blast making fun of myself and writing goofy songs, but for the majority of the morning I sit back in a dark room and update a website for the show and to be honest that isn’t that much fun for me. Working the overnight at the Buzz was kewl because I got to be on the radio from midnight to 6am.

When I first got here I had a fire burning inside of me. I wanted to learn all I could and make a name for myself in my new career. I quit a high paying job to work part-time and make nothing. It was a choice that I made willingly. Funny thing is the more I tried to learn other jobs and help out around here the more I got pushed back. It has been a frustrating experience.

Of course I did hate the corporate world I came from too. It was high paying, but my heart totally wasn’t there. Even though every other day I get call or email offering me a job.
I guess bottom line is I am a little frustrated. I have learned the more you want something the more it doesn’t want you. and the more you don’t want something the more it wants you.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2 new songs up on myspace

We have 2 new songs for you to wrap your earlobes around, High and You Know You Want Me. Go ahead and try and guess what High is about...if you guessed floating through golden streets in a Jesus Christ pose you are wrong, but if you guessed it is about getting high you are right. It is an adventure song between 2 friends looking to expand their minds, stomachs and penises...I will stop there.

You Know You Want Me is a song I wrote about being so dang good looking...Ok go ahead and laugh that one out. It is really about your typical guy thinking that every woman is in love with him and if she isn't she is a lesbian...Oz wrote the lyrics to this one and I must say it has a solid rock backbone.

You can even see a picture of the new COLOR CD cover. We finally decided to break down and pay for color CD's because we feel our fans are totally worth it! That and the great deal we get if we buy them in bulk, but don't let that take anything away from being a great fan.

Check it all out on our myspace page


Monday, November 27, 2006

Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire

That is the name of my new ROCK band! Don't worry I am not quitting monkeyshyne this is just a side project that my brothers and I are starting (and Keith). It's an all 80's cock rock and metal band. right now the band is really in the baby stages (also known as the SUCK stage). I figure we will only get together about every 3 to 4 months to "practice", which is good for monkeyshyne and not so good for the new band.

We got together this past Friday night for an all night jam. We started at 5pm and didn't finish till 12:30am. We played for over 7 hours, but amazingly enough we only played 4 songs from start to finish. Collectively we know about 100 parts and pieces of songs with the key phrase being parts and pieces...We even decided on a list of songs before we got together for all of us to learn, but that didn't help much...

In this band I am actually getting to play drums and sing. YES I said play drums and I must say I am not that bad, I am not that good, but I am not that bad. Keith (monkeyshyne bass player) is playing guitar and he is actually good. Pat my 2nd oldest brother is playing bass and if he has it his way he is singing every song. Sean my 3rd oldest brother is playing guitar and singing and Mark my youngest brother is also singing and playing guitar. Together we make up the band called "Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire." The name is an old running joke amongst the brothers and one day soon I will divulge its meaning, but I don't want to give too much away right now. In radio they call that a tease...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanksgiving and Boredom and CD

Holy crap I don't know what to do with myself? I have been having music withdrawls from not playing. Usually my weekends are full of gigs and I don't ever have free time. I have been actually able to relax a bit and get to sleep before 6am on the weekends.

We have had a few problems putting together the CD and getting it ready for the month of December. I wanted to have CD's at every show in December. It shouldn't have been a problem because we had the CD done and had over a month to get the CD cover design done, but things weren't taken care of and now I am in a crunch to try and get it all done. Yah it kind of upsets me that it always seems to fall back on my shoulders, I guess that is just my life. Don't worry though we will have CD's for the month of December.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Kidd's Kids Song

One of the tasks during my Kidd's Kids trip was to write and record a song with the kids. Of course I am always up for writing music. It was kind of interesting getting the kids to sing back to me what I was singing to them. Sure it is out of key and totally not on tempo, but that is what makes it so perfect. I wrote the song as a thank you to everyone who contributed to this awesome cause.

If you have a moment go listen to it at Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kidd's Kids Trip

I don't know if you know, but one of my jobs is working for Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and this past weekend I joined them on their annual Kidd's Kids trip. I just have to say it was truly an emotional trip. It really helped me to appreciate the things I have and what I am capable of doing. Most of the times we get so caught up in our little worlds we don't realize how great we really have it and how bad some people have it. Most of these kids, even though disabled, were totally acting like kids regardless of their condition. These kids had the strength of men, but still had the hearts of children. I know that it has filled my emotional gas tank for a while. I am sure after being back in Dallas for a couple of days will change know what I mean, like driving in 5pm traffic, and cursing at the F$&#er who just cut you off because you just lost 2 seconds and he just gained 2 seconds when getting home...WHO F$#%ing cares...Or sitting in line at the fast food drive thru thinking "What are you ordering the whole F$##ING store..." once again who cares. Really there are so many more important things like our relationships, dreams and desires...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Deep Ellum my second home

This past weekend Keith and I decided to hang out down in Deep Ellum. It was just like old times. The parking was overpriced, the drinks were watered down and the bathrooms smelt like a mixture of piss and I have missed my second home. It was good seeing all the people I have known for years and haven't seen in months. And they always treat me like I haven't been gone that long. Hell some of them even said that the missed me and the band and we have come up in conversation.

Luckily for us there were several good bands that night including Early Pearl, Advent and the Orange. We rocked out and drank ourselves silly. I peed in the sink and tried to puke in the bathroom, but just wasn't feeling it. I didn't want to leave without contributing to the overall smell of the night (just kidding).

Deep Ellum you will always hold a special place in my heart, no matter what happens to you in the future.