Chris's Blog: September 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Radio Convention Bit

As some of you know I work for Kidd Kraddick in the Morning and every once in a while I get called to duty. I don't mind I actually think I was made for making an ass of myself, it just seems to come natural.

Click here to LISTEN to the Radio Convention Bit. Here I went with Jenna, works at the station, to go sell a song that should be the next big thing.

WARNING: Although the curse words are bleeped you can still get a pretty good idea of what is being said.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Shakira, LIVE and yes I was there

Shakira, yes I went

Yes I went to the Shakira concert this past weekend and no I am not ashamed. I went with my wife because it was the right thing to do and a lot of times I don’t get to hang with her so I don’t really mind where we go when we do hang out. First let me say that I was impressed with the band she had backing her and yes she can sing, other than that it was almost painful. There were several times where she would grab a guitar and “play.” Me being a guitarist I could totally tell she wasn’t strumming the same pattern that the actual guitarist was strumming. To me that is just a cheesy as lip syncing. I’ve got an idea, just don’t play guitar if you can’t and be genuine. I was also expecting her to dance and move her hips like the whole time, but nope that didn’t happen. She did kind of dance, but not as much as I would expect from someone who is known for her dancing. And the last thing was when she would look around the room you could see the expressions on her face and she would get this shy little girl look, it was pathetic, like “look at me I am soooo cute.”

Overall the show was “eh.” Yes I know you are probably still saying to yourself “What Chris went to Sharkira…”

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Last night Oh My!

Last night I sang a song with a co-worker for Kidd at the R&R convention. The R&R convention is a huge radio convention with a ton of radio and record label top guys. We sang a song that repeated the word F%$# in the chorus about 15 times. We sang to the label people at BMG, EMI and Jive records all in the name of a radio bit.

Sometimes I feel very torn about using music for a laugh and feel like it kind of cheapens my art. But then I think about all the brilliant songs over time that poked fun at life. Or even comedians that have written some brilliant songs. For instance "A$$hole" is a song by Dennis Leary that we do live in our PG-13 rated R shows and it is a great song and hilarious. Or I listen to Tenacious-D and just hear brilliance.

I am not saying that monkeyshyne is going in that direction but lately with our new music we sure haven't been afraid to sing about things we wouldn't have singing about 5 years ago. Just wait it is almost here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Can you try and stay in key?

When we first started this band 6 years ago WE SUCKED and too be honest we aren't a whole lot better we are just a hell of a whole lot smarter. Back in the beginning we didn't care too much about tuning our guitars or singing in the right key, we just played because ROCK N ROLL wasn't about being professional it was about "feelings man." What a LOAD OF SHIT! Seriously we are all raised on this MTV fantasy of being the next kid who changes the face of the earth with his music and we are so WRONG.

Music really is an art and in any art it is best to learn your tools and learn what past artists have done. Then you mold these things you learn into your own interpretation of art. Then if enough people understand you then maybe you live a life of fame and fortune (1 in a million chance, but you're telling me there's a chance). You must learn though. It almost kills me know to hear a band who sucks and I used to be one of those guys who would never say another band sucked, but there are bands that suck. I mean they can't play in time, can't sing in key and don't understand the basics of building a song and for some reason they think they sound good? HELLO? Are you not hearing what everyone else is hearing? I am totally down for everyone being able to express themselves and song is a great way to do it, just PLEASE take some time and learn your art.

Ok for all those musicians who read this who disagree, chances are you are the ones I am talking about...

(see I really am an asshole, just read Oz's blog)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

All Ages Show

This Saturday night at the Ridglea we invite anyone and everyone to our ALL AGES show. I guess I want to say more about it, because we NEVER have all ages shows. We also go on early at 8:20pm, so you can come out check out the show and still get a dinner in and get the kids to bed on time.

Colin = GAY

Ok, dude how gay can you be posting about Keith's nice lil ass...


Monday, September 11, 2006

My Weekend by Christian Rawk

My weekend didn't start off so hot, I was called "soft" by Big Colin. He said my butt was not as shapely as Keith's. What does he know, I work out all the time trying my best to look fit for all of our adoring fans. I mean we have to make it big before I can fall off the deep end and get caught up on drugs and to many ho ho's and ding dongs. That hurt, but that is ok, I am a trooper and decided I could handle his remark.

Well I am glad that I didn't take it to personal because shortly thereafter Colin and I made up. We were both wearing our "hole in the knew kewl guy pants" and we knew right then we were too kewl for our knees to have material on them. If you look hard enough Big C is trying to point out all of my tattoos under my shirt, cause that's how we roll.

Then we started and ended the night with several Jaegar Bombs and as you can see in this picture Big Colin must've been feeling bad because he looks WASTED. Don't worry I took care of my buddy, my flabby butt and all...

Friday, September 08, 2006

I know who the father really is? Baby Suri, mystery Solved...

There have been many rumors about who the real father of baby Suri is, well I think I know. I mean look at that head of black hair and if you look really closely his skin looks bleached. And notice how Oz says he has this "night shift" job, but we never see him or hear from him during the week?

Yep that is right I am implying that Oz is the father of baby Suri. Usually I don't buy into any of this Hollywood gossip, but in this case the similarities are just to real. What can I say Oz is sexy, Colin tells us this ALL THE TIME, but we do agree.

Oz good luck with your new baby and being apart of the Cruise family. Please be careful about Sciencetology though, I heard they believe in aliens...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What You Need?

It is funny how life works sometimes. Yesterday I found out that the Crocodile hunter Steve Erwin died. That is not funny. So what is funny? It is funny how someone I never met could influence me so much. When I saw one of his interviews he was overflowing with passion about his work. He didn't care whether it was swimming with sharks or wrestling with Croc's he loved it and it showed. My wife made a comment to me that really rang out in my head, almost like church bells ringing (either that or it was my loss of hearing), she said "At least he died doing what he loved." Now I am sure she isn't the only one who will say this, but it is true. How many of us really are doing what we love. I know for some people it is making money and I thought that was part of it. But I guess it really isn't, at least for me.

A while back I quit my IT day job to go work part-time at a radio station. That was a huge risk I went from make a LOT of money to very little, but I found a job that made me happy. It was kind of like getting on stage and playing in a band, or writing a song that someone else sings. Well after several months I went and got a part-time job back in the IT industry making some extra money to keep me a float. That was only supposed to last a couple of months, but it lasted over a year. Then recently I was asked if I would like so more work from another company for MORE money and I accepted. Then this past weekend the Croc Hunter died and I was jealous of how he lived. How this man could figure out what he loved and just do it, knowing the consequences, but not caring. I have decided to quit both of those IT jobs and once again pursue a career in music. I want to be that man and maybe someday someone will say when I die "At least he died doing what he loved."