Chris's Blog: January 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

F#$%ing computers...

I swear I have been trying to post blogs for the last couple days on this damn, but they have done this upgrade and I hadn't migrated my blogs yet. Well I have now and now you can see my blogs, see seee seeee. Computers totally suck, they never do what you want when you want. Do they really make our life easier or have we just become more lazy and impatient...Like last week when I was in line at the grocery store there was 1 person in front of me and that just PISSED ME OFF, for no reason other than why should there be lines anymore? I mean I don't have to wait in line to read yahoo news everyday or read fark or look at any website I want. It is right at my finger tips ready to please instantly...unless...your computer is not working...see computers do suck...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh What a Feeling

I can't speak for the rest of the guys, but DAMN it felt great to get back on stage this last weekend. The drive down to Temple, Tx. kind of sucked because of the soggy roads and nipple pinching cold. But when we got to Temple and I held that guitar in my hand I knew my heart was home again. Yes I know that sounds cheesy, you can call me the Cheeseburgler.

Oz and I also tried using in ear monitors for this show. We had tried to use them before and I just got frustrated. This time we bought some better equipment and sure enough I could hear myself 10 times better. After being a musician for so long my hearing has started to go. Don't worry I don't miss it, it just gets frustrating when we play a show and I have to get the sound guy to turn it up so DANG loud.

We have this weekend of and then we are in Tyler, Tx. It has been about 3 months since we have been there and I KNOW it will be a GREAT show. I figure everyone there should be missin them some monkeys and a kewl bald guy...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kind of Funny

Here is a bit I was apart of the other week. I thought it was amusing so I figured I would post it on this blog for fun. Enjoy, it is about how people almost died and I am singing impromptu music for them:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What a weekend and video

I am back from my trip to San Fran. I went there for my B-Day weekend and you can read about it more at It was an interesting trip to say the least.

Here is something else that I found VERY entertaining. Here is a promotional video that monkeyshyne was apart of. It was for a concert series that we honored to play. What is really funny about this video is if you watch near the end you will see me KISS Colin. Yep I said kiss him. I don't know what happened. Sometimes that dude is just so damn sexy...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


days I look back and reflect on all the things I have done in my life and I must isn't much...but lucky for me I still have plenty of time to make up for that. Let's look at a few of those goals I have set since I was a kid and evaluate which ones I have and haven't achieved:

- To have a mustache and own a video arcade - This was something I wanted when I was about 10. Do I have the mustache, no, do I have the arcade, no, but I do have a PS2 and a beard so I was close on this one.
- To retire when I was 30. NOT EVEN CLOSE...I am now giving myself till 40...
- To grow long flowing locks of hair much like the white golden haired Jesus. Nope a thing called heredity happened...
- To play for a successful rock band that tours the world and makes tons of money. I kind of missed this one, I am in a rock band and we do tour Texas. I guess I will give myself partial credit on this one. Plus I do work for a nationally syndicated radio station and they have played many of my masterpieces like "The Weekly Review" and "I Want to F#$@ All Night"...
- To find my soul mate. CHECK, hey 1 out of 4 ain't bad so far...

Let me just stop right there I think I am depressing myself and I think that your B-Day is supposed to be a happy day...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Saturday night my wife threw me a suprise B-Day party and WHAT a party it was. Sure I got drunk, but it was just kewl to see a bunch of friends and family. It is funny because the older I get the more I realize that I can really count the few friends I have on one finger. Or at least those friends that you see often. The older you get the more responsibility everyone has and it is just hard to get on the same schedule and meet up like when you were in college and delivered pizza and had your evenings free, except for Friday night (good tip night).

When I look back and think about all the friends I had over the years it adds at least 10...and that is a TON for me.

Several of my friends there had babies or where having babies, wow I really am getting older. My knees hurt, I leak more when I pee, and everyonce in a while it hurts when I sit down, but I don't think I am ready for a prostate exam yet...

I really shouldn't dwell on those things, I am just going to be happy for the life that I have got to live up to know and all the people I have met along the way.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm Back

And in one piece. I have a few aches here and there, but I feel alright. I am ready to start the new year off right, I have set no goals and do not plan to. I do feel some great things are going to come our way as a band, fame, fortune, number 1 hits, grammy's, mtv awards, etc. And if we do get those things just getting to play music with my buddies is really enough for me.

I have started writing again. After our new CD I haven't felt too much like writing. It kind of takes it out of you.

The mountains were just unbelievable. I was even just 1 hour away from Colin, but he didn't take his phone with him. I tried calling to hook up with him, I figured he might get a little bored, but I never heard back from him.