Chris's Blog: August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

New CD

Keith and I were practicing last night and during one of our smoke breaks we started talking about the new CD and the direction we are going. We both agreed that this new CD is a little more pop/rock and not so edgy as the past CD's. I couldn't really say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing it just is. One of the songs on there is called "High" and it is a real sing along type song about getting high and I wrote the majority of it. It is something that I wouldn't or couldn't have written 3 years ago and to me I would say that is progress.

I think we have constantly changed over every CD we have put out and I believe change is good. So this one will be somewhat of a change. I have a feeling that most of you will really enjoy this one and I have a feeling that 1 or 2 of these songs will get us some national exposure, but I have been telling myself that for 6 years...

Monday, August 28, 2006

A new Language?

This weekend after a night of no sleep and playing in 100 degree weather we decided to stop at Whataburger for a quick bite to eat. While sitting there we started talking about Keith going back to school and pickup lines he needs to use for the young college girls. Colin suggested that Keith speak in a German accent and act a like a German, like a German George Clooney and the girls will just melt.

Then somewhere in the conversation I decided to add in the fact that he needs to tell the women that he has a big penis. But to not be rude about it and say it in German. Of course he told me and I could not get it right and eventually my pick up line turned into "Vee Gates es mi Grande Pee Pee", which basically says "Hello my big penis", but it was a mixture of German and Spanish. Then Colin and Keith coined the phrase "Sperman" a new language that is a mixture of Spanish and German. We are sooo creative...

Warning women on the UNT campus Keith starts school today and you might be hit on by a Sperman...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Keith I don't think u understand

You are right Keith I do "appear" to make funny faces in the monkeyshyne pictures, but in actuallity those are my different "poses" something you would not understand...why would you not understand, well because you use the SAME pose for every picture...

let me explain by showing you some pictures, because pictures are worth a thousand words:

Nice no pose Keith

Wow Keith isn't that the same pose...

Oh and you will notice Big Colin also has the same pose in both pictures...hmmm must be a rhythm section thing, no wonder you guys want Oz and I at the front of the stage...

Lead Singer of monkeyshyne
Chris(tian) Rawk

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Another Promo Photo Opp Blown because of "The Oz"

This is a private email I sent Oz earlier this week:

Dear "The Oz",

Would you please look a little more serious in our photos. Everytime you seem to make a funny face or do something totally out of character while, Colin, Keith and I try very hard to look like "ROCKSTARS". I understand what a few Jaegar Bombs can do to a person, but this is getting our of hand...

Your Buddy and Pal and Lead Singer of the Band

I hope that wasn't too harsh...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Its all about the people

One of the kewlest things about being in a rock band is getting to meet all kinds of different people. Think about it in one regular day the average person talks to about 5 people, but we get to talk with 20 to 40 different people every night we play (I know we usually have 100's of people out to watch us, but you just can't talk to everyone).

This guys nickname is "Wheel's", and he came up on stage in Tyler to sing "Asshole" with Oz and I. If you haven't heard the song it is a Dennis Leary song about assholes. And it has a line in there that says "I park in hadicap spaces while people make handicap faces." Well Wheel's, being one kewl dude, made a handicap face during that line then flipped off Oz (he was singing it). I mean how kewl is that? This dude doesn't let crap get to him, he is who he is and he is alright with that.

Like I said, we get to meet a lot of kewl people...oh and our shar of assholes too, but that is a different blog...

Friday, August 11, 2006


Audra and April and everyone else who lives in Tyler get ready monkeyshyne is coming tonight. Lock up your Jaegermeister and your foriegn cars (its a Keith thing).

"Here we come,
Walkin down the street,
We're the nuttiest band,
you'll ever meet

Hey Hey we are monkeyshyne
And people think we monkeying around
But we to busy call each other gay
to put anyone else down..."

See you tonight...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This Picture make me happy!

Ok I am not trying to be sappy or gay, when I saw this picture it made me feel happy. I declare this the new monkeyshyne promo photo.

Ever since the beginning of time we have been looking for that one pic that describes us. You would think it was easy, but it ain't, not at all. Either we look mean or we look gay. In this we just look like we are having a good time being on stage and playing music. And in the end isn't that what it is really about.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Doing Time

Ok here is my take on the studio. It is an experience that every musician loves, but hates. Unless you are a studio musician. I know that the final product we get is going to be incredible. I just have to prepare myself for the frustrations of not being perfect. Thank mankind for computers, to be perfect for us. Can you believe like back in the day when they didn't have computers and were recording with 2 inch tape and there was no Vocal tuner, recording artists really had to be good. Think about "Fat Bottom Girls" that intro is awesome, hell anything Queen did was awesome and very vocal and harmony heavy.

I guess it is true that computers do make us weaker and dumber, before you know it they will be writing the songs for us...THEN and maybe THEN monkeyshyne will have its FIRST HIT!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


What happened to people being responsible for their actions and their selves? Funny because most everyone I talk to about this has the same issue I do, but these people I talk to are the same ones who also have this problem. We tend to think about big things when it comes to responsibility, but I am talking about the little things. For instance here is a list that I constantly find people not doing:

- People don't return phone calls immediately or in a timely fashion. Funny because everyone I know has a cell phone so what is your excuse?
- Being late. If you say you are going to be somewhere at that time, be there, that simple.
- Not returning emails. Once again, the majority of people I know work behind computers all day, so what’s your excuse?
- Making a commitment and not following through. That commitment could be something as small as UPDATING A BLOG...(no guys I am not mad at y'all I just thought I would throw in a shot)

I admit I am not perfect and no-one I know is. But dammit let us all try to be a little more responsible for ourselves.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feels good

It felt really good to get on stage again this past weekend. Getting a break now in then isn't a bad thing, I am just not used to it. I was feeling it SO much at the show in Temple, Tx. I actually said "If you don't like what you are hearing, get the F$%k out!" And I only think about 10 of the 15 people watching left the club, so that means 5 people LOVED what they were hearing. I think I have a new tag line for the band "monkeyshyne, winning them over 1 at time."

Just KIDDING, there was actually a great crowd at Bum's in Temple and no one left when I made that comment. We danced, we drank and we had a blast. Can't wait to do it again this Saturday. Plus we are going into the studio this weekend! Excellent!